Sam I am

Sam I am
Sam I am

She is Pecan

She is Pecan
She is Pecan

Hi Shelly

Hi Shelly
Hi Shelly

Oh my Sherman

Oh my Sherman
Oh my Sherman

Happy 12th Birthday Ah ma!

September 14 2015 was a special day.
It was the day that the ancient one (aka Pecan ah ma) turned TWELVE.
#omg #whatahugenumber #icanonlycounttoten
As usual, birthdays in the Loo Lim Household are a big thing. Well, kinda, only if you're the beloved furkids. The parents get zilch celebration.
So, it was party mood all week!

The birthday girl in her bathing suit.
#omgagain #oldwomanactyoung


Mummy's Chou Chou

We've had enough. 
Enough of Mummy publicly embarrassing us. 
From apple heads,
to bread faces...
to this...

Now it's time for revenge!

A ride in a beetle

We were invited by Volkswagen Singapore to take one of their cars for a test drive.
Although our trusty Gin has been pretty reliable for the past year, Mummy was more than glad to ditch him for the weekend for a sleeker ride.
Hence, there was no way we could even refuse the offer!
We stopped by the showroom to pick up our ride and also took the opportunity to 'mark' our territory around the vicinity.