Saturday, October 19, 2013

From Bangkok with love..

My parents went for a short vacation to Bangkok. 
Yes, they abandoned me. Nasty people right?
Unfortunately, this isn't the first time and I'm quite sure it won't be the last. 
Anyway, as per all other trips, they came back with tons of loot for me! (It's their way of compensation to me, and hey, I'm certainly not complaining!)

The first and foremost - Treats. Tons and tons of treats.
Hee, Mummy loves buying treats that ain't available in Singapore to give me some variety! And yes, pizza is on the menu.
*Wriggley dance*
Of course, with mummy as the main shopper, non-sensical gifts are just part and parcel of my overseas souvenirs. I'm not fond of them in general, but whatever...
Since I do look dashing in the bow-tie, I guess I will make do.
Done with the usual, expected stuff. Time for some out of the box products!

One of the highlights of the trip for Mummy is to check out thai designer dog products. And boy was she blown away!

Introducing barketek!
This M-Mod single dining bowl is just the perfect height for me to drink my water and stay hydrated. More importantly, I love how each piece of wood is special and unique!
The lounger bed, a medium rectangular hammock, fits me like a glove! 
It's so comfortable (comes in grey and green) and taut. 
Yes, in case you were wondering, this bed is easily dismantled and even fitted into Mummy's suitcase. She actually checked in the bed with luggage. Haha. Well done.

My own barketek bone! 
This bone is handmade by the underprivileged in Thailand. Besides being a great toy, part of the proceeds goes to benefitting the needy. It's hard to resist toys made with love and a charitable cause!
Hee, after taking some shots, Mummy placed my new bed in the bedroom right beside her. 
Okay, I approve!

Up next, my new doggy lamp from Propaganda!
I was just making friends with him (Hm, let's call him Hikari!) when I realised something amiss about him.
In awe with the perfectly shaped orange poop (and surprised that Mummy didn't freak out about it), I went on to sniff it out. 
Okay, I'm not exactly fond of a dog that poops orange shit. *Shrugs* 
But welcome to the family, Hikari. *Paw pats*

Mummy's note: Actually, Hikari's poop is the step-on switch for the lamp! Awesome isn't it!! Step on poop if you want light. Nice~

The best gift for me had to be this...
My Qualy Cat!

I could hardly believe that Mummy actually bought me a cat!
Say hi to Neko! 
(yes, I am clearly a japanese manga fan, not. I just lack creativity.)
Wondering what Neko is?
She is actually a food storage container and the base can also be used as a feeding bowl.
Brillant huh?
The design comes in both cat and dog shapes. But to add some variety to our home decor, Mummy (with Godmummy's inputs) decided that a cat would be a better fit. 
Ain't Mummy's purchases amazing?
Good eye Mummy, good eye.