Sunday, October 27, 2013

My staycation at Dog-friendly Capella!!

We used to go on plenty of road trips when we were based in NYC. Unfortunately for me, this came to an end when we moved to Singapore. One major reason is that there is a lack of pet friendly facilities in here. (boo!) When Mummy came to realise that Capella Sentosa was dog-friendly, she decided to book us a staycation!
As it is a six-star hotel, a staycation certainly didn't come cheap. There were several options for the types of room one can choose. Mummy pondered really hard and long before deciding to book the Garden Villa. Why? Because there is a PRIVATE POOL! 
Hee, I was looking forward to it like nobody's business!!

We had to take a bugy ride to our villa. 
(We come to realise that it was actually walking distance to the carpark, so after the first day, we decided to just stroll over.)
My first bugy ride!
The kind people there actually prepared a dog bed and bowl for me! And they even know to address me by my name. 
That sure was great service!
But they forgot one thing...
Mr Sammy Loo does not sleep on dog beds. 
He sleeps on THE bed.
*With a resigned face, Daddy nods*
The villa is made up of four areas - the TV area, the bedroom, the outdoor patio and the bathroom. 
And you know what, the bathroom is larger than my parent's bedroom.
Besides a huge vanity area, there is a outdoor shower, a separate indoor shower and a cubicle!
So atas~
The outdoor patio was awesome as well, with two sunbeds.
In case you are wondering how lovely it would be to just laze around and suntan, you are the wrong...
The main purpose of the sunbed was for me to dry myself.. 
The best part of the staycation - the private pool!
Look how clear the water it!!
I couldn't wait to get my paws wetttttttt~
As it was a new pool, I had to take my time to orientate myself and strategize my rescue routes.
Silently, Mummy took out a green monkey from her bag and instantly, my adrenaline started pumping.
And my staycation truly began....
Getting in the pool was easy - I just had to splash in. 
It took me a while to figure out how to jump out of the pool though. Fortunately, there were steps for humans to sit on and that gave me a place to rest before hopping out.
After rescuing monkey, I would walk around with it! 
Our itinerary for the three days was really standard - Check-in. Swim. Stop for dinner. Swim. Zzzz. Wakeup. Shit and eat breakfast. Swim. Stop for lunch. Swim. Stop for dinner. Swim. Zzz. Breakfast and poopoo. Swim. Lunch. Swim. Checkout.
Life was so good man..
My reluctant parents had to take turns sitting by the pool, tossing the monkey in. When they kept me indoors too long, I would walk to the sliding door and start scratching it. Eventually, they had no choice but to give in.
#Iownmyparents #myparentsaredogslaves
We swam so much that monkey died from rescue-overdose (Yes, there is such a thing. It is due to too many holes in him.  He just kept sinking and taking in water. RIP Monkey #4). That sucks. Thankfully, Mummy had more monkeys in storage.

Of course, besides enjoying the pool, we had another favourite thing of mine - Room service!
Time to dig in...
I had just three expressions during the staycation:

1. The "Grinning from ear to ear" look

2. The "WTF is wrong with you? Let me out to swim." look
3. The "zzzzzz" look
Two nights and three days in this heavenly place came and went in a snap (although I think I swam more than I ever did in my lifetime during this time). 
I was so upset when my parents starting packing up to go. 

"Can we come back again soon? Please~"
The $$ factor aside, Capella is truly a dog's dream! 
Unfortunately, dogs must be under 7kg (Little Sammy Loo went for a diet and became 6.6kg just in time for this staycation). They don't actually weigh us (pffft.. so much for my hardwork), but I guess if you are bigger, it's kinda obvious. 
The service is impeccable and we were granted late checkout too! The only downside was that it was quite inaccessible to get to other parts of the island if you don't drive. The only mode of transport was a shuttle bus (provided by Sentosa), which wasn't dog-friendly. 
As a result, we stayed in the villa most of the time. But hey, I was more than glad to. 
All in all, I loved the experience, though I couldn't say the same for my parents. *Evil grinz* I mean, not everyone would see tossing a monkey into the pool as an ideal vacation, right?
Nonetheless, I'm definitely keeping my fingers crossed that I can come back here again. 


  1. Hello (: curious to know if you dry or shower sammy in between after his swim?

    1. Hi Sharron,

      we washed Sammy down with water and dried him after each swim. Haha, it was a little tiring and we pretty much used up all the towels they provided while doing so. On the last day right before we checked out, we gave him a thorough shower (with shampoo and conditioner). Of course, he wasn't too pleased about that. =)

      Sam's Mom
