Friday, November 8, 2013

I want to be an ah-sia dog!

During our staycation, we went by Quayside Isle for dinner and I absolutely love that place!!
The boardwalk beside the marina was such an awesome place to stroll and just soak in the sunset. I got to meet a handful of dogs which were being walked by domestic helpers. Sigh, their lives are goood.
Not only do they get a lovely stretch to mark every single day, they get to admire the gorgeous sunset too!
*Thinks about screaming kids that laughs at me at the playground near our home*
My life sucks.
Oh well, at least Mummy treats me better than she treats Daddy. 
Life's not that bad afterall.
*Smug look*

1 comment

  1. You know you have a good life when you are treated better than the hoomans!

