Monday, August 4, 2014

Made with Love - Dehydrated treats!!

The weekends came and left...
but we ain't complaining...because, Mummy spent it making yummy dehydrated treats for the two of us! (Hehe, and there are plenty of leftovers for the whole week!)

Anyway, we were extremely excited when Mummy told us what she had installed for us!
To begin with, she started by swinging by the supermarket to buy some fresh meat, which includes chicken gizzards, lean pork, sliced chicken fillet, pork and chicken liver!
She took some time out to slice them evenly. 
The lean pork and liver sliced easily! But Mummy had a little trouble slicing up the chicken fillet the previous time, so she decided to get pre-sliced ones instead. They are a little thicker, thus require a longer time to dehydrate. 
Anyway, a tip from my mother-in-law, Auntie Charmaine: freezing the meat slightly will make it easier and firmer to slice!
Once the prep work was done, Mummy simply put the trays in position and got the dehydrator working!
Mummy got the Open Country Pet treat maker from Amazon when we were still in NYC. (She also shipped back a transformer in order to use it in Singapore)
And the waiting game began.....

We checked on Mummy periodically to make sure that she has not forgotten it....
We waited....
and slept...
and waited... (while kinda sleeping)
The wait was a whooping EIGHT hours! It took so long that even Pecan ah ma got annoyed!
But boy, it sure was worth it...
Look how gorgeous the treats look!!!!!!!
Of course, after such a long long long long loooooong wait, neither of us were in the mood for any photo taking.
Thankfully, Mummy understood...
The hungry dogs eyeing the freshly made chicken jerkies!
For our patience, we were given one of each!!! 
We've to admit that the best of the lot was the thick chicken fillet!!!

Not only did we have our fill, there were plenty of treats left!!
So, Mummy kept them in our new treat storage containers and in the fridge they went!
Not only are these treats fresh and healthy, they are extremely affordable. It cost Mummy less than $10 for all these treats!!
If only there is a way to reduce waiting time.....


  1. I was contemplating getting this cos it was on sale! :P But calculated and the shipping cost will probably equal to a more expensive one from Taobao haha... so I got the Taobao one with Mango the sheltie... love the fact that we can have a consistent supply of dehydrated treats at lower cost :D

  2. Wow.. I cannot stop laughing after seeing those cute dogs! I love it. I dogs love dehydrated treat as well :)

    Food Dehydrator

  3. Wow, what a awesome idea!
    I've never thought of making dehydrated treats for my dog with my new horizontal dehydrator. Until now I've only dehydrated fuits or vegetables. :)
