So, we were challenged by The Vanilla Pup, Latte and her owner on Instagram to do the #ToyBucketChallenge.
We had to either pour a bucket of stuffies over our heads OR donate $10 to an Animal Welfare Group of our choice.
We had to either pour a bucket of stuffies over our heads OR donate $10 to an Animal Welfare Group of our choice.
Since it was for a good cause, we immediately said YES! to it.
#challengeaccepted #bringiton
Besides, nothing beats being showered with toys. Like literally.
Mummy was all geared up and started walking around the house with a bucket to pick up the dead toys that were scattered around the room.
To ensure that she did not sabo (cheat) us by putting a rock or two in it, she allowed us to inspect the toys prior to the challenge.
The reason why Pecan ah ma looked blur in the image was that she actually attempted to steal a toy or two away!
Tsk Tsk tsk... old people huh..
Once we gave her the green light, we got into position....
(Okay, we did switch position after a while... I didn't want to stand near Daddy who was doing the tossing.. heheheh...)
Let's go!
#whatthetootwasthat #itisrainingtoys
It happened so quickly that we were a little surprised. Thankfully, I was quick enough to hop out of danger's way before any toys hit me.
While we were a little shocked by what just happened... we did have a ball doing it!
More importantly, besides the joy of laughing at us (our mummy is mean that way), Mummy decided to do her part for charity and went ahead to donate $20 to Animal Welfare Groups in Singapore! She did it during a dog event over the weekend! ($10 went to Causes for Animals Singapore on my behalf and another $10 went to Animal Lovers League for Pecan!)
So, if you are a cute furry animal like myself, am up for a challenge and have $10 to spare for an animal welfare organization, join us on our Toy Bucket Challenge too!
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