Friday, September 19, 2014

It's Pecan's birthday!

Yap, the crazy old woman Empress Dowager turned ELEVEN!
In other words, she is technically 60 years old!
You know what? Ah ma is actually eligible for the Senior Citizen Concession Card liao!

It's unbelievable how old she is. 
I mean.... she's almost THRICE my age and she's like a energizer bunny!
#howcanshebesoold #oldahmastillwannaactyoung
Since it was her birthday, of course Mummy had awesome surprises in store for her!
Mummy was actually debating whether to throw ah ma a party and invite our doggy friends over.
But wait...what doggy friends?
Don't get me wrong, I've tons of furry buds. 
But Ah ma?
ERm.... let's just say she isn't really a dog-dog. 

So to avoid a scenario where we spent $$$ and there's only me and ah ma (and maybe Snowy) dancing around in an empty cafe, Mummy quickly decided that we should just celebrate this special day ourselves! 
And who says we can't have fun on our own?

Here's how the special day unfolds..

For a start, what's a birthday party without a birthday cake!
The very sweet and friendly Auntie Crystle from Feed My Paws had offered to sponsor ah ma's cake, so Pecan ah ma was spending days surfing the net looking for ideas.
 Inspired by Feed My Paws' recent breed pupcakes, Ah ma actually requested for Jack Russell Pupcakes!
And what she asked...she got!
Look at this and you just have to agree with us that awesome Auntie Crystle is super talented! 
It was perfect!
What an awesome cake!
And Pink is totally ah ma's color!
Ah ma and her look-a-like pupcake.
(Shhhh.. i think her pupcake cuter.)
Me and my look-a-like pupcake!
What can I say~ I am just so good-looking, cake or in real life.
The delighted old Birthday Granny Girl!
She was so happy, her mouth NEVER closed throughout the whole time.
Not to mention, the countless drool stains littered on the couch. 
#theairsmelly #thecouchsmelly #nowsamalsosmelly
I was super excited and can't wait to nom away...
But one thing's for sure, we had to sing Pecan the "you sing once a year" song before we could dig in.
(Sam's croaking fading off in the background`)
Since there were more surprises to come, Mummy decided to cut up one pupcake for us to share. 
And there was none. (in barely a second)

What usually happens after cake-cutting?

Ah ma's present came in the form of a brown box!
She was over the moon and couldn't wait to tear it apart.
I just had to join in the fun!
And keeping my fingers crossed that there was something in there for me too!
The happy birthday girl with her boxful of presents!
And so we thought....
Turned out that not everything was for ah ma!
That's not the worst part.
It was that... out of everything, the only thing that was for Pecan was...
Before you feel sorry for her, don't.
Cos she was in fact overjoyed and started carrying Cowie around!
She only let it go after a good twenty minutes of trotting around while wagging her tail furiously.
Check out her grin!
I guess she is senile simple like that.

After a good afternoon of cake cutting and gift-unwrapping, it was DINNER TIME!

To end this day on an even higher note, Mummy ordered our dinner from Pawlicious Bakery when we stopped by Sunny Heights for our weekly swim!
It was Pork meatloaf with brown rice and veggies!
(Mummy usually orders the medium portion and gets Auntie Jaster to split into two small packaging!)
I couldn't wait to start eating.
Cannot huh?
#mylifemissionistoeat #Iamnotfat #Iamjustbigboned 
Since Mummy knew how sneaky we could be with veggies (we ain't fans of them), she cleverly cut up all the veggies and mixed the food thoroughly.
Two happy dogs chowing down their yummy dinner!
Oh, we finished ALL our vegs!
Even though it wasn't my birthday, I had as much fun as Pecan did!
Oh, did I mentioned that we eat ate another two pupcakes over the next few hours.
By the end, our bellies were round and hard. 
But that being said, there were two extremely satisfied and pleased dead rascals lying around the house. 
And yap, one very happy Mummy cleaning up the mess we made.

If only birthday is a daily affair!

Anyway, just wanna say to Pecan ah ma: Although I laugh at you a lot (but hor, you also bully me a lot in real life, so we are quits ok!), you're the *cough*best*cough* sister I can ever ask for! I mean, at least I no longer spend my days sitting around the house waiting for our parents to come home. Now I have you to chase around and wrestle with. Most importantly, your shameless and endless begging (especially with Grandmummy) also helps us get more treats than we should be having. So for that, you're the best!
Stay young forever Pecan ah ma!


  1. Happy birthday again ahma! Sam, teach ahma to sit more glam can! she "open coffeeshop" leh!

  2. ah ma is the cutest - says snowy

  3. Awww Happy Birthday once again Pecan!! Lovely pictures! Kinda looks like it's your birthday too huh Sam? Hahaha
