Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry X'mas to us!

If I can have it my way... 
This would be how I wanna spend my X'mas - Eating snow.
Okay, I admit, and also peeing on it. 
Nothing satisfies me as much as creating a yellow piece of art on a white canvas.
#peeingonsnowisdamnshiok #Ihavethepowertomeltsnowinstantly
It kinda sucks that I can't do it anymore. 
Oh well, I'll just make do.
Besides, my parents don't actually have the habit of celebrating Christmas. 
In fact, they hardly celebrate anything. (Other than our birthdays!)
And there's a no Christmas tree policy in this household and the reason is pretty simple. 
Cos Sammy Loo loves to pee on trees.

Even though we did not have an out-of-the-world Christmas, Mummy did attempt to make Christmas a tiny weeny bit more exciting for us!
For a start, we were given an awesome beef and salmon half log cake from Pawlicious!
Ho ho ho....
We decided to do a little role-playing to add on to the non-existent festive vibes. 
I'm Sam the Reinterrier and Pecan ah ma is the.... "I'll just wear a random winter hat to pass off as I'm celebrating X'mas"... erm... Santa's helper.
After we filled our little bellies with some delicious cake, we got around to receiving our Christmas pressies.
In the form of Martingale Collars from Dog + Bone!
I wasn't too impressed with the presents tho. 
Posing with yet another new collar.
#givingmybuaysongexpressioninprotest #thesenileahmaisalwayshappy
After which, we got around to helping Mummy with some last minute Christmas gift wrapping.
(Even tho they don't celebrate, Daddy's family will have a simple get-together. Plus, they have a practice of gifting everyone a present.)
We were delegated the task of cutting Christmas gift labels.
We also aided in sticking the labels. 
I wasn't very pleased to learn that NONE of the items here was for me.
#howcanlikethat #lifenofair
I think ah ma didn't get the memo about that. 
Sadly, we couldn't attend the celebration and were left to rot at Grandmummy's place. 
Oh well, at least our parents came back with some gifts FOR US!
That definitely put a smile on my sulky face. 
That pretty much sums up our 'oh-so-boring' X'mas.
But oh well, at least our tummies were satisfied.
Last but not least,
Hey, it's not too late k. 
After all, there are twelve days of Christmas right?

PS: It took Mummy three hours to figure out how to use Photoshop to do the Christmas Greeting.
#failedmummy #Aforeffort #auntielynnewouldhavetakennomorethantenminutes

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