Gosh, this post actually took Mummy almost ONE year to write.
Seriously. Can be more biased anot.
#fourthchildsyndrome #poorshelly #abitsadbuttoobad
So, yap, as most of you should already know by now, the Loo Lim family gained another sibling last September. (Like in 2017, it's ALREADY SEP 2018)
As much as we knew that Mummy is crazy about dogs, Daddy (and probably most of her friends) never thought that she would go as far as to get a Number 4.
#sheissiaoone #wenospaceliaostillwant4
Yet the biggest surprise of them all was that Daddy actually gave her the OKAY to bring Shelly home.
#facepalm #crazyandcrazier #daddyneedstostopindulginginher #whyyoutortureusdaddy
Shelly was originally from Russia and was brought in to Singapore by a local breeder with the intention to show and grow his kennel.
#hotrussianbabe #NOT
#hotrussianbabe #NOT
However, he decided to let her go to a pet home and contacted Mummy to see if she might be interested to take Shelly.
Of course, the crazy lady said YES.
So on a stormy night in September, we welcomed the fourth member of the Loo Lim Household.
#okayIexaggerateagain #itwasawarmsunnyafternoon
Interesting Fact: Shelly Blackwood was named by the breeder! And I guess it's fate as all our middle names are Woodlands related!
Miraculously, Shelly fitted in the household like a glove.
No fights, no fuss.
It was like she was part of us since forever.
She and Pips were instant BFFs, always playing and hanging out together.
Unlike Pips, Shelly was extremely respectful of Pecan ah ma and never attempted to overthrow her.
Hence, we're quite confident that Pecan's rather fond of Shelly!
As for me, Mummy always says that Shelly brings out the youth in me.It's hard to believe that I'm already EIGHT when we rough and tumble together.
This little girl just turned two in April 2018!
Our horrible Mummy actually forgot her birthday, but thankfully made it up to her with a belated one in July.

As the baby of the household, we've to admit that Shelly is a real sweetheart.
She's definitely the most affectionate of the lot, though borderline demanding.
She's just a really simple girl - all she wants are cuddles, food, and toys.
#sweetandsimple #extremelyeasy #spoilmarket
Of course, simple doesn't mean that she is vanilla.
In fact, she has a whole goofy side to her!
As in that wasn't bad enough.
She's a goofball thru and thru - even when she's snoozing.
What is this!?
And when she's playing!
Don't be deceived by this goofball.
Shelly is actually a very accomplished showdog.
#stunned #neverjudgeabookbyitscover
Shelly is actually a very accomplished showdog.
#stunned #neverjudgeabookbyitscover
Unfortunately, Mummy has zero interest in showing her. Plus, we are 100% sure she prefers chasing after a ball in the park, or wrestling with us to prancing in a dog ring.
So we've officially retired her!
Her first love: Fetch!
Second Love: Playtime with us!
And you know that we've got a Loo Lim dog here cos just like me and Pecan (Pips fail la), she absolutely loves the water!
Her first swim was a tad fail though, cos she didn't know how to use her hind legs and she started sinking.
Nasty Mummy had quite a laugh before she got around to helping Shelly to the shore.
To build on her water confidence, Mummy brought her to Hydro Canine .
Needless to say, she is an excellent swimmer now.
Good enough to start stealing my toys.
Thanks huh.
If you have been following us on Instagram, you would have heard the good news.
If you haven't, TSK.
#orhhhhhh #justkidding
We even threw her a mini-baby shower!
The proud Mama and her pups!
Don't they look like rats when they were young?
We knew that we didn't want to keep any of the pups from the get-go.
At least Mummy was sane enough to acknowledge that we really don't have space for anymore.
#foroncemummyissane #hengah
The breeder took care of the pups and found them amazing homes.
Losing Pips was the hardest thing that happened to us.
But we were very thankful that we had Shelly around to liven the entire household.
She got Mummy out of bed, showered her with kisses (which Mummy really dislikes LOL), and made Mummy smile with her kooky ways.
Just when we thought that our household will remain status quo for a while...
our itchy backside Mummy brought home YET another dog.
Yap, I'm pretty sure you know who he is....
Oh my god...this is Sherman Redwood...
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