The baby of the Loo Lim Household turned TWO on 20th July!
#babybutheisthebiggestinsizela #babygiant
It was a no brainer when it came to deciding the design of his birthday cake!
After all, Sherman is named after Sherman from Sherman's Lagoon.
The name is PERFECT - a goofball who chomps.
Yap, that is our Sherman.
#oldschoolcomic #youcanguessmummy'sageliao
So we got our trusty and favourite baker, Dionne from Barking Good to bake us the perfect cake!
With a lil' inspiration from the internet....
She was able to bake us this adorable Sherman the Shark cake!
And we absolutely LOVE it!
Seriously, Dionne is da best. Mummy was just chatting with her and we realised that she has been our go-to baker for the past 5 years or so for almost every single birthday and occasion (stupid things like Shelly's baby shower).
Despite Mummy's lousy instructions and (often) very last minute order, Dionne is always able to bake up a storm and create cakes that never fail to blow us and our tummies away.
Thank you Dionne for yet another amazing and delicious cake!
The birthday boy and his shark cake!
#shermanisgoingtoeatsherman #sharkeatshark #soappropriatesiah
Grumpy faces cos our Mummy took a tad long (as usual).

And guess who crashed the pawty! Our ex-foster, Charlie Jack! (We will share his story soon, we promise!)
He really didn't want to partake in the group shot, and after X attempts, we gave up.
So, here's a solo shot.
#hesosmart #nowhegotabiggerpiconourblogleh
Our god sister, Heiley, came along for the ride too.
(We lured her over with cake. Easy peasy)
At least Heiley was cooperative enough to stay still for ONE pic.
#sorrynotenoughhatstogoaround #makedok
The gang waiting patiently for the magic word!
Okay, GO!
Actually Pecan started before there.
#nevermindsheisdeaf #wegiveherchance
And poor shelly!
We told Heiley's daddy about this and he just laughed.
Happy birthday to Sherman Redwood once again.
Thanks for joining our family and making our Mummy very happy.
Although there are days that you make Mummy question her decision to keep you (such as when you fight with Sam over food, get into trouble at the dog run, disturb Pecan by licking her face, steal Shelly's toys and many more), we still love you just the way you are.
Thank you for all the joy you brought us and helping us to heal the void that Pips left.
Stay goofy and derpy for every, our not-so-little Jack Russell Bear.
Many more birthdays to come!
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