Mummy really isn't the sort to come up with new year resolutions.
#aiyacosshehardlyachievesany #imeannevernothardly
Hence, it was kinda weird when she sat us down and had a heart-to-heart chat to ask us what we would like to get out of 2017.
#gotsoseriousanot #onlyonepersonwastalking #twootherswerejuststaringatthetreatsinherhands
Nonetheless, to get her off our backs, we decided to come up with a list of resolutions that we aim to achieve!
Let's start with the 14 year old granny!
1. Be alive (AND HEALTHY) at the end of the year
Pecan's recent health checkup in December was excellent.
This ah ma is as strong as steel and even passed her blood test and ultrasound with flying colours.
I guess it's not too much to expect that she will fulfil this resolution easily.
2. Throw a birthday bash for her
Mummy always wanted to organise a birthday party for either of us. But there's one thought that never fails to hold her back - Got people want to attend meh?
This year, we decided that yes, we're going to (FINALLY) throw a party to celebrate the birthday of the Ancient one (aka Pee-kee).
#actuallycosrecentlywegotmorefriends #somoreconfidentthatgotpeoplewillcome
So, hang in there for September!
#cannotcomeemtpyhanded #mustgiveTWOpresents #oneformeoneforher
3. Be a bikini babe
We all know that the beach is Pecan's happy place.
We will strive to make Sentosa a weekly affair.
Hehe, we have it all planned already actually - we will do this by giving our parents our sian-est faces the night before.
#guilttrippingworkslikeacharm #pawcrossed
My turn!
1. Run a full agility course!
Hehehe, I recently just started agility classes and am absolutely in love with it.
So yes, I would love to run a full course by the end of the year.
Nothing too fancy la. Just the simplest one will do.
#icandoesnotmeanmummycan #sheismyhandlerma #whosayseniordogscannotgoforagility
2. Catch a Frisbee in mid-air
Let's face it, catching a ball in mid-air is no kick for me la.
Time to up the ante!
#thisonealsodependentonmummy #latershecannotthrowproperlyalsofail
3. Find a protege!
This year, I officially join the ranks of senior-hood.
And I believe it is time for me to pass my ropes (how can let my many shenanigans go to waste) down to my (non-existent for now) disciple.
#cannotwaittobossanotherdogaround #maybemysocialstatuswillbehigherwhennumberthreecomes
Yap, that pretty much sums up with we want out of 2017.
Let's sit tight and see how many of these we can achieve!
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