It's hard to believe that it has been more than two months since Pippin monster joined our family.
And no, me and Pecan still ain't super fond of her.
#ahmanolikehercosshestealsallpecan'stoys #menolikecosIwanttobetheonlychild
But, I guess we're starting to come to terms with having an 'energizer' bunny (like literally) in our house.
The past two months has been pretty trying to be honest.
Although Mummy knew from the get-go that adopting an ex-breeding dog comes with its issues, facing it one by one has proven to be rather challenging.
BUT I guess hard work really does pay off.
We're absolutely proud to announce that Pippin Tree is officially toilet-trained!
#clapforusleh #oneissuesettled
Both me and Pecan are toilet-trained outdoors.
While I still have my occasional tantrums (where I will pee indoors in protest hehe), Pecan ah ma is an absolute champion.
She has had ZERO accidents since she joined our family four years ago.
#perksofadoptinganolderdog #shesuperspoilmarketla
With us as benchmarks, it's easy to guess that Mummy's plan was for Pippin to be completely outdoor trained.
Of course, Mummy was very realistic and knew that the process will take time.
So, she prepared a pen for her to settle down in on her first day home.
Oh , and she also bought a bag of pee pads and a bottle of odour spray to prepare for accidents.
The uncertain little girl before she concussed for the night.
#shesleptforsolonglor #wethoughtshewasapig #wedidn'tevenrealisedshewasthere
We were all geared up for cleaning up messes.
#weputonourpawglovestohelp #pleasepayusintreats
But quite the contrary it was. Instead of having to clean up puddles, we actually spent the next day waiting. Waiting for the little one to pee and poo.
Despite bringing her for many walks and confining her in the pen, the little girl still refused to pee/poo for 30 hours straight.
#herbladderisdamnstrongman #theloolimbookofrecordsleh
It got Mummy so worried that she rushed Pips to the vet right after work.
The vet confined Pippin to a pee tray and within 10 minutes, the little girl peed and poo-ed.
#winliaolor #luckythevetsuperniceneverchargeus #mummyLLlor
We concluded that she was unable to pee/poo at home since there wasn't much scents at home.
#seemeandahmasocleanhor #cosifianyhowpeepeesurewillgetscoldedonelor
Thankfully, Pippin started relieving herself at home and on walks the very next day.
To kickstart her outdoor toilet-training, Mummy took note of the frequency of her accidents and noticed that it was happening as frequently as once every two hours.
So, she made it a point to bring her out every couple of hours.
#itmeansmorewalksforus #yeah #winwinsituation
But we realised that Pippin isn't keen to head out and even when she was out, all she did was just lay on the grass and chill. And no pee nor poo.
Worse of all, once she reaches home, she will have an accident within the next hour or so.
#facepalm #testofmummy'spatience
Realising that what she wanted probably wasn't too achievable at this point of time, Mummy decided to re-strategize.
Instead of trying to outdoor train Pippin so ambitiously, Mummy chose to pee-pad train her first.
We stuck to the routine of putting Pippin in the play pen every two hours and only let her out when she pees.
Pecan ah ma and myself will help by blocking her escape route.
Of course, she didn't take to it instantly and would try to jump out or bark to get out.
By ignoring her and only letting her out when she was done, Pippin very quickly learnt where to do her business.
Plus, she gets a bonus treat for every 'right' pee!
Pippin was initially allowed free reign in the bedroom at night.
But after waking up and stepping onto cold wet puddles for two consecutive mornings (first Daddy, then Mummy), Mummy decided to crate train Pippin and have her sleep in the crate overnight.
(This was what she did with me for the first year of my life too!)
Thankfully, Pips is extremely fond of the crate and will happily hop in at night.
Erm, actually, I'm quite fond of the crate too.
PS: Mummy brought back my puppyhood crate and it is still my safe house!
"You mean this isn't my crate?"
This became our daily routine for the next few weeks and before we knew it, we found Pippin hopping in to pee on her own, without needing us to put her in!
#anotherspoilmarketone #missionaccomplished #sheissmarterthanahmaforsure
We've been accident-free for more than two weeks already!
#weeeeeeee #butsingaporeancannotpraiseoneleh #betterfingerscrossed
To 'cash' in on this, me and Pecan have been trying to earn extra treats by helping Mummy lay the pee-pads.
#idomostofthejoblor #pecanthefreeloader #seewhatgooddogsweare
Oh, not only is Pippin toilet-trained, she has grown extremely fond of her pee-pen.
She spends her mornings gathering her toys and putting them in the pen, before laying down to chill.
She even loves playing with her squeaky toys inside.
Unfortunately for her, Daddy is complaining that the pen is taking up too much space so we're looking into downsizing it.
We're still 'toilet'-shopping for her and will keep y'all updated on what we find!
Mummy isn't too sure if she will even be able to outdoor train Pippin fully, but we are certainly extremely proud with how far the monster has come!
#kudsotothetree #onechallengedown #let'sfacethenextone
Pippin is obviously pretty pleased with herself too!
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