Something fishy is cooking in the kitchen today...
Salmon Tarts for Dogs is on the menu!
(Thank you Feed My Paws for the recipe!)
And since it's something fish-related, Mummy just had to make me wear this stupid hat.
#sianla #mummytryingtomakesurehermoneyiswellspent
Oh well, Pecan didn't get away with it either.
We love that there are only FOUR ingredients!
Even better, there is an instructional video - perfect for kitchen noobs like Mummy.
#cannotgowrongla #gotyoutubevideoifgowrongreallycanntomakeit
It was Mummy's first attempt at making a tart, so she did struggle a little trying to make the crust.
Auntie Crystle made it look so easy la.
So, Mummy took a while to roll the dough and place it in the crust pan.
Yap, we're pretty sure Pecan was judging Mummy.
Ah ma was really super patient.
She literally sat there, judging Mummy's EVERY step.
Finally, it was time to send the tarts to the oven!
Fresh from the oven!
Trust us, it smelt AMAZING too.
Presenting ...
Salmon Tarts for dogs!
Oh, in case you're wondering why the tart was still in the crust pan, it was because Mummy was worried it would fall apart if she took it out.
#nofaithinherownbaking #wealsonofaithla
Must take one shot first just in case ma.
Of course the monster tried to sneak a bite when we were not looking.
Moment of truth...
And it stayed!
This was Mummy's first attempt, so let's be nice.
The crust was tad raw and hor, so uneven.
Shouldn't there be more salmon too??
#yapwearejudgeydogs #jk
To be honest, we didn't really care.
Cos all we wanna do, was to EAT it all up!
いただきます !
(Translate: We eat liao hor)
Pippin is still learning how to wait, so we had to put her FAR FAR away!
Wheeee, our bellies were pleased!
And we're ready for what is NEXT!
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