Saturday, January 24, 2015

Grooming Workshop @ Bubbly Petz

As JRTs are relatively low-maintanence dogs, our parents would send Pecan ah ma and myself to the groomer's only once every three to four months. 
Despite that, we do require a bit of home-grooming every now and then to look somewhat decent. 
And as expected, the person who does it is none other than Mummy! 
#atthemercyofmummy #whyshecutmyhairuntilsougly
As adorable as we may seem, we ain't the easiest dogs to self-groom. 
On average, it takes Mummy about a good hour to trim our nails and brush our coats. Of course, all these take place with a fair amount of struggle and one too many treats to bribe us.

Thus, when Mummy found out about Bubbly Petz' grooming workshop, she decided to give it a try to see if she can learn to better manage us. 
Since, two related persons are allowed to accompany one dog per registration slot, Mummy dragged Daddy along. 
As I'm the better behaved one of the two (well, at least I would like to think so), I was sent as the guinea pig representative of the Loo Lim Dogs.

Entering the class...
Located at Joo chiat, it was a tad far from westsiders like ourselves, but oh well, I guess good things are worth the distance. 
Besides providing us with a detailed set of notes, each participant was also given a cute apron! 
The apron proved really useful when grooming dogs like Sammy Loo. 
Let's just say that i shed BUCKETS.
There was also a set of grooming tools that were provided for use in class only. 
Mummy liked the items so much that she topped up extra to bring home an exact kit.
While most of the workshop involves hands-on practice, there was a little bit of theory for pet parents to learn. 
Paying attention to what the instructor, Uncle Desmond has to say.
The workshop spans over two weeks and covers a variety of topics. 
Here are three aspects that Mummy found most useful:

1. Nail Trimming
Hehe, I wasn't exactly very cooperative and it took two lousy people to cut my nails.
Uncle Desmond was really good with me though. Once he positioned me, he was able to clip my nails in mere seconds.
Can't say the same for parents though. They took a while to figure it out and with Uncle Desmond's guidance, they finally managed to do so. 
While I obviously didn't enjoy getting my nails cut, I quite enjoyed the filing process.
"Please file them pretty Daddy."

2. Ear Cleaning
Previously, when lazy mummy cleaned our ears, all she did was to pour the cleanser in our ears and let us shake it off. 
It was at the workshop that she realised that there is an actual technique to clean it. 

3. Using the clipper
"What is Daddy doing!? I can't tell!!"
My parents also learnt to use the clipper to trim away excess hair on my pawpads to prevent me from slipping. 
Mummy used to do this with just scissors and obviously it wasn't as ideal as she would like. 
This part was a little scary. 
I mean Daddy started running the clipper down my body and making weird motor sounds, before grinning at himself. He kept asking Mummy if he can give me a back mohawk. 
Thank goodness Mummy glared at him.
Phew~ can't image how shitty I would look.
#daddyisaclosetpsycho #boyswillalwaysbeboys 
They also learnt how to trim my butt hair and hygiene areas. 
Now, I no longer have hair guiding my pee. 
Oh oh, Rusty and Grandma came along too!
Unlike myself, Rusty was a darling throughout the workshop. He simply stood there and allowed the adults do anything they wanted.
Le sigh~ 
I certainly wasn't pleased to be the model of amateur groomers like my parents. 
But thankfully, they gave me plenty of treats for my hard work and tolerance. 
Although Mummy had some knowledge of grooming dogs to begin with, it was through this workshop that she realised that she was doing certain things wrong.
For one, she now knows the trick in restraining me when trimming nails.
Plus, she is now well-equipped to use the clipper to shave my backside and paws.
But the most important thing is... she can now order Daddy to do the same since he sat through the entire workshop with us!
#poordaddy #pleasedonottortureusdaddy #notourfaultthatmummytrickedyouintothis

A proud Mummy and her certification!
As much as I didn't enjoy being the model (Rawrrrrrr~), this was a pretty good introductory workshop for pet owners to head to. At least now I know that Mummy knows what she is doing when she is grooming me!
So, do check it out if you're keen!


  1. Same ah, you got spelling error hahaha... Nails not news!

    1. HAHAHA! Mummy was watching the news when she was typing this!! That's why!

  2. Hehe, I wasn't exactly very cooperative and it took two lousy people to cut my grooming
