It's not everyday that something interesting comes through the mailbox.
It's usually bills after bills or flyers after flyers of property that my parents cannot afford.
Oh, and of course the occasional summons (hehehehehe...).
But today, there was special something.
There was a postage for.... me and Pecan ah ma!
We did a quick sniff test to decipher the package.
We couldn't quite guess what it was.
But one thing is for sure.
It contained something edible!
It was bully sticks from Chew Time!
We actually took part in a Facebook Giveaway and won these!
I couldn't take my eyes off it even while photo taking.
As for Pecan ah ma, she was a little unsure what it was.
Staying focused.
Once Mummy handed them to us, I immediately took it to my mat and started gnawing on it.
Ah ma, on the other hand, didn't really know what to do with it and started trotting around the house, unsure of what to do with it.
After a good ten minutes of confusion, she finally set down and started chewing on it.
Sadly, she gave up just after a few minutes.
Turned out it was a tad tough for her weak jaws.
Poor old lady~
So evil Mummy did something horrible.
She came up to the very contented me (who was being an extremely good boy by sitting on my rug and minding my own chew), stole my half-eaten masterpiece and gave it to Pecan ah ma.
#howcanlikethat #mummybullyme #nowihavetostartfromscratch
So Pecan happily continued chewing on my hard work.
Needless to say, I wasn't pleased at all.
To appease me, she gave me Pecan's bully stick.
All in all, we really enjoyed it and we gave Mummy a good half hour of peace by keeping ourselves occupied with it!
Hehehe, I'm pretty sure that Mummy will be ordering more of these pretty soon!
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