We have been on a raw diet for the past few years.
While we started mainly on commercial raw food, Mummy made the transition towards DIY raw over the last couple of months.
For now, Mummy will purchase our proteins from the supermarket and that does restrict the types we eat. (We usually rotate between lamb, beef and chicken.)
But thanks to Howlistic Life, we get to have a taste of Venison at affordable prices!
Raw Rawr is made of free range, grass fed Venison from New Zealand.
Not only does it include meat and heart, it also contains offals.
The pre-packed portions are extremely easy to thaw (takes no more than twenty minutes) and really convenient to feed.
Each portion weighs 50g and both me and Pecan gets two per day!
To ensure that our diet is balanced, Mummy does include supplements too.
Here's what we get:
Protein that changes from day-to-day.
Hoki oil for me and Omega-i for Pecan (from Wooga).
Eon and Fiber blend (Howlistic Life) to meet our nutritional and vitamin requirements.
Ewegurt for our boost of probiotics.
On a good day (once a week), we get a raw egg too.
#todayisnotagoodday #whereismyfavouriteegg #mummyissostingy
All mashed and ready to go!
Pecan ah ma's planning to inhale her food.
Yap, my bowl is always sparking clean after each meal.
Oh oh, Raw Rawr also comes in the freeze dried format.
Besides being served as meals, the freeze dried version can also work well as training treats for dogs of all sizes (especially raw fed dogs like us)!
Meando Mummy just had to make us work for it.
#nosuchthingasfreelunch #wearejustshowingoff #ourtricksrepertoire
Plus, they are just the right size to be tossed to me!
#dontplayplay #Igotwintreattossingcontestbeforeonehor
But, not everyday is sunday.
A little birdie tells me that there will be more flavours coming soon!
We totally cannot wait!
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