While we may not be the most sociable (or friendly) of dogs, we are very lucky to have been invited to many dog birthday parties.
Each time, Mummy will flip the house upside down to find a post-it note or any decent card she can get her hands on at the last minute to scribble a well-wishes note to the birthday pooch.
#soinsincerela #tsktsktsk
That got her thinking.. why not create our very own personalised note card to thank our friends for inviting us!
#shejustneedanexcusetoshoponlinela #poordaddy
So she went on one of her favourite platforms - Fiverr to find an artist to translate her vision into actual note cards!
She found an artist that she really liked and sent her own vision over.
#yapitisherprimaryschooldrawingagain #ohmanIamsuretheartistmusthaveburstoutinlaughterwhenshesawthis
Our theme is of course... FOREST/ WOODS!
How apt siah.
And after 1 week and a half of waiting....
Isn't it just too adorable?
She brought the file to a printer (she shopped for her own paper at Art Friends) and spent a good hour cutting them into individual cards.
For the finishing touches, the hoarder Mummy chose to finally put her scrapbooking items (that were collecting too much dust) into good use.
#pecanandIaretryingtofigureouthowtohelp #sorrywegotnoopposingthumbs
All she had to do was to punch a hole and snap an eyelet in place.
Then, use a rope/string to secure the notecard onto the gift bag.
Mummy also had the notecards printed on sticker paper. This will allow her to paste the notecards on wrapped presents too!
Who wears it better?
#ourmummyishorrible #makeuswearallthesestupidthings
The notecards came just in time for the birthday party we were attending!
Pardon our grumpy faces, as Mummy took her own sweet time to snap these shots and we were almost running late for the party.
Want to receive our notecards?
Then don't forget to invite us to your party!
#hehehe #yapwearethatthickskinned
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