On 25th July 2017, we celebrated Pippin's 4th birthday!
We brought Pips home in January and of course, while we will always remember her gotcha day, we also wanted to give her a 'birthdate'.
My birthday falls in January and Pecan's one is in September. To spread out the celebrations, we decided that Pippin's birthday will be on 25th July!
#excusesla #shejustwantsareasontobuymorecakes #reallyrandomdate
Mummy ordered her cake from one of our favourite ladies, Dionne, and barkery - Barking Good.
So, we hopped over to their new store front to collect the cake!
Mummy was contemplating doing a quick shoot there of us posing with the lovely cake, but decided to not risk it after all.
#nothankstopippinmonster #pippinwillcheongthecakelor
Once we got back, we started to prep the inexperienced Pippin for her birthday shoot.
And yes, we're pretty sure you would have guessed by now, the crate isn't just for framing the shot.
It's to prevent Pippin from attacking the cake before we can get a decent shot.
#shehasnoselfcontrolone #sheisafoodmonster
Our happy little girl.
We're really proud how far she has come.
Not only is she whiter than me and Pecan ah ma (#spoilmarket), she is fully potty trained, can sit for her food (most times) and best of all, she is starting to play with other dogs and myself!
#shestillneedstolearntotstophumpingme #ohandstopstealingourfood
Once we positioned the little monster, the sidekicks (ah and myself) were ready to get into the shot!
Yap, we bought Pippin her very own hat from The Lil' Rascals too!
Time to put the cake in the shot and wish little Pips...
Isn't the cake amazing?
Trust us, Mummy was super worried that Pippin might hop out and whack the cake.
Thankfully she didn't disappoint.
Dionne used Pippin's derp face as a guide...
and came up with a rough but super cute sketch.
To create this beautiful cake!
It really looks like Pippin, but cuter.
#yesiambiased #pippincutemeh
Of course, the cake tasted amazing and comfortably fed our happy bellies over the next two days.
Thank you Dionne for making this day so special!
Dear Pippin,
The last six months really did go by way too quickly and as much as Pecan and myself hate to admit, we can't quite imagine life without you now.
Though you still annoy the shit out of us (trying to hump us. YES. She is a girl) and you finally destroyed Pecan's favourite toy (you better buy her a replacement), we kinda like having you around the house.
Your many shenanigans (e.g. chasing after pigeons, screaming at Mummy whenever she closes the window, whining when left alone with Daddy) never fails to crack Mummy up. And for that we would like to say thank you - thank you for making our favourite person so happy.
#yesMummyisthemostimportantpersoninourlives #nochoicehavetosaythis #elsetodaynodinnerliao
Last but not least, Pecan and myself would like to wish you a very happy birthday.
Stay healthy and keep hopping ya~
Love Sam & Pecan
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