Sam I am

Sam I am
Sam I am

She is Pecan

She is Pecan
She is Pecan

Hi Shelly

Hi Shelly
Hi Shelly

Oh my Sherman

Oh my Sherman
Oh my Sherman

Sam's Pick: Ruff Premium by J.S collars

We've always been huge fans of Martingale collars.
When our acupuncturist, Jane, ventured into the world of hand making them, we just had to give her our paws of support! 
Our Martingales from Ruff Premium by J.S!

Mummy really likes martingale collars, especially for our daily walks, for a couple of reasons.

One, she doesn't have to worry that we will slip out or back out from any collars, though this is certainly a bigger issue with Pips than with Pecan and myself.
#yala #pipsthetroublemarkerma
We noticed that she has the tendency to panic when she is startled (either by a loud noise or when someone approaches her fast, or tries to grab her). When she panics, she wiggles hard and will attempt to bolt. Actually, she had actually slipped out of a buckle collar before. Thankfully we managed to grab the escaping bunny before anything nasty happened.
What happens is that the martingale collar will tighten lightly when we try to back off (be it our fear like Pips, or when we refuse to walk like me) and that greatly reduces the chances of the collar slipping out.
Secondly, let us remind you, our mummy is lazy.
Putting on a martingale collar on us (which probably takes maybe a quarter of a second less than a regular buckle collar) makes her very happy.
#sosimpleminded #shewinliaolor 
They are extremely easy to wear too - she simply toss the collars into the washer and dryer once in a blue blue moon regularly. 
While we may not walk perfect, our pulling doesn't quite bother Mummy.
That said, she really likes that these collars fit loosely and only tighten when needed. In addition, they distribute their pressure evenly around our necks in the scenario when we do pull, (rather than concentrating the front) and this certainly helps to prevent neck injuries. 
The full fabric also makes it comfortable to wear!
#youcanchooseyourownfabricleh #customisable
All these collars are individually hand-sewn with love by Jane.
The stitches are so neat and clean, it really made us wonder how much time it takes for her to make one of them. 
Jane has a decent selection of fabric and you can customise your collar by deciding on your fabric and thickness.
#mummy'shandicraftissobadla #nowayshecanmakecollarslikethis
If you think we only have three of them, you're so wrong!

As Jane constantly works to improve on her collars as well as source for new fabric, it's definitely a challenge to resisting them.
The newer collars actually come with an addition ring for you to hang your tags.
#givesmummyanotherexcusetobuynewones #thelinesdamnstraighthor
Yap, of course we went back to matchy-matchy.
The martingales might look thicker than our usual collars, but they certainly do not hinder our actions at all.
#samisthefastest #cosmylegsarethelongest
Don't we look awesome in them?
Besides martingale collars, Ruff Premium by J.S also has decorative collars too!
Don't they look adorable?!
Pecan ah ma and her little bow-tie!
Pips has one too!
Since I am the only boy, I get to don a cute necktie!
Unfortunately, our coats are a little messy long.
Still, we think we look great on them!
Of course stupid Mummy has to reinvent how the decorative collars work.
You can check out more Ruff Premium by J.S collars on their Etsy store! 

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