Sam I am

Sam I am
Sam I am

She is Pecan

She is Pecan
She is Pecan

Hi Shelly

Hi Shelly
Hi Shelly

Oh my Sherman

Oh my Sherman
Oh my Sherman

From Orlando with love..

My heartless parents finally came back from their Orlando vacation. I was already upset with them for abandoning me. To make matters worse, not only didn't they buy me any treats, they brought back a gift that I really do not like - A tee-shirt. -_-

Here's a little background first. My mummy bought a set of THING 1 & 2 shirts 2 years ago when we visited Orlando (I went along too!). 

Here's a shot of us - Mummy = Thing 1, Sam (ME ME!) = Thing 2 and Poor Daddy = Thing 3. That completely explains the hierarchy of the family as well. 

I was obviously still a cute puppy then. Hence after two years, I've completely outgrown that shirt (as shown below). It's just too tight fitting and considering that I do not have the bod of an A&F model, I looked pretty crappy. 

That's how short it is now. Too sexy for my liking. 

So, my brilliant parents thought that the best souvenir for me would be a bigger version of the exact same shirt. *Faints*

Well, on a good note, it's an excellent fit now. 

BUT, I'm still pissed that all I got from Orlando was this crappy shirt. 

I'm not forgiving them and I'm expecting TONS of treats for redemption. Grrrr...

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