Well, mummy always wanted a second dog. But due to some reasons, we couldn't. (PHEW~) So, she decided to satisfy her own desires by getting a puppy by Eero Aarnio for Magis. She decided to name her Inu (which means Dog in Japanese) since she's learning Japanese. How creative. -_-

I wasn't too pleased to having another 'dog' in the apartment and was a little hesitant meeting her.
Despite that, I decided to be friendly and try to sniff her butt. But she kept ignoring me.
Maybe she will respond if I sniffed her face.
Still no response. -_-
To award me for my effort, mummy gave me a huge treat. And surprisingly, Inu didn't try to steal the treat from me! Guess she's not that bad afterall.
Okay, I decide to approve the new addition.
Welcome to the family INU!
After some exploring, I realised that Inu makes a perfect head rest!
As well as a great resting platform.
Sly mummy knew that daddy wouldn't allow her to buy this rubbish Inu if she asked and knowing how forgetful daddy is, she went ahead and bought Inu. When Inu arrived, Daddy was surprised and asked mummy where did she come from. Hee, mummy told Daddy that she had informed daddy about the purchase and daddy had agreed previously. Daddy was like "oh, I must have forgotten".
You should have seen the huge grin on mummy's face!
So cunning!! But I like! =P
Anyway, Inu will be joining us in Singapore. So please bring extra treats for her when you come visit us!
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