Sam I am

Sam I am
Sam I am

She is Pecan

She is Pecan
She is Pecan

Hi Shelly

Hi Shelly
Hi Shelly

Oh my Sherman

Oh my Sherman
Oh my Sherman

Saying my goodbyes to Coco and Toto!

One of the places that I'm going to miss a ton in NYC is my favorite daycare - Coco and Toto. I've been going to this daycare for a year (the previous place closed down!) and both my parents and I absolutely adore them. 

It was really bittersweet on my last day at daycare. Although I did received tons and tons of hugs, tummy rubs and kisses, I was also really sad to say goodbye. Mummy prepared a "Thank You" card and a cute Polaroid of me and gave it to the staff who had been awesome to me. Hee, they always tell mummy that I'm the best and most well-behaved Jack Russell they have ever seen. Ho ho ho. (Which mummy would reply in return that I am a fraud. Boo~)

Coco and Toto is a cage less daycare and dogs who have sleepovers will remain in the common room with all the other dogs the whole time. Hence, I was never lonely during the three to four staycations I had with them. I also love the window decals for dog parents to sneak a peep of what their kiddos are doing in daycare without scaring the other dogs. Hee, mummy will always head over to the 'holes' and peep in to see how I act when I enter the room. 
(My first move is always to greet the humans first. You know, get a good pat before saying hi to the other dogs.)

Spot the sam?

It's really sad that good things have to come to an end. Unfortunately, Mummy isn't confident that she will be able to find such an awesome daycare (facilities and people) in Singapore. Nonetheless, I'm glad that to have received all the love and kisses from the people there.

Till then...good bye~~

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