Sam I am

Sam I am
Sam I am

She is Pecan

She is Pecan
She is Pecan

Hi Shelly

Hi Shelly
Hi Shelly

Oh my Sherman

Oh my Sherman
Oh my Sherman

Shhhh.. Hear Doggy!

(Yet) Another awesome perk of Mummy's internship (besides my free exposure on pets magazine) is that she is able to get her hands on new innovative toys! 

So, on one lovely evening, Mummy came home with a grin. She came up to me and told me that she bought me a new toy! Of course, from the corner of my eye, I could see Daddy giving the "not again" face.
Too bad for you, Daddy and goooooood for me!
I was pretty excited to see what Mummy got for me.
Presenting the surprise - a Hear Doggy! squeaky stuffy!
I was uber excited about the starfish stuffy and could not wait to sink my teeth in it!
I was 100% focused on my new mission in life - attack the starfish while it cries squeaks for mercy, kill the squeaker and remove all its stuffing!!
 Before I could even begin, I felt that there was something different about this squeaky toy. 
In the past, each time Mummy squeezes the toy to squeak it, Daddy would throw an annoyed and disapproving look, clearly irritated with the high pitch noise. 
But this time round, no matter how many times Mummy squeezed the toy (I swear she did it at least a hundred times, okay, I exaggerate, maybe 20 times), Daddy, who was working at the dining table, barely flinch, not to mention turn back with an irritated look. 
This was when I discovered what's so unique about this toy - it's squeaker can only be heard by dogs, not humans.
*In awe*
And that means that I can kill this toy day and night and no one, yes, NO ONE is gonna stop me. 
Life is gooooood... 
*Evil grinz*
So here goes...
Once I started, I never looked back. 
I'm sorry Mr Starfish, no humans are gonna come to your rescue.
Die! Starfish! Die!
This is seriously the best thing ever. 
No one interrupted my mission and I spent a good twenty minutes playing fetch and trying to kill Mr. Starfish. 
On the downside, Mr Starfish was quite well made and my mission to tear him apart kinda failed (for now). I was quite exhausted by the end.

Nonetheless, I was pretty pleased.
Thanks for the great toy, Mummy!!

Mummy's note: Okay, just a disclaimer, Sam's Daddy isn't that awful a person as he is made up to be on the blog. He's just... a little grumpy. *Grinz* 
*Remembering that he does pay the bills* I mean he's awesome, the best husband and dog Daddy EVER!


  1. Hiya! My mummy wants to get me this kinda toys cuz she loves it that only we can hear the squek. But she's concerned I'll disembowel it within minutes. I do tat to all my other stuffed toys. So she wants to know how much chewing, gnawing, tossed about, laying on, scratching can the toy take before it "dies" on you? :D


    1. Hi Chilli!! It is pretty lasting!! Since it wasn't exactly cheap, Mummy kept a close watch when we played with it and took it away when she wasn't looking. So, believe it anot, the toy is still alive today!!! Hehe, maybe your Mummy can consider the Martian series since they come with chew guard technology! Hopefully that would last longer!!
