Sam I am

Sam I am
Sam I am

She is Pecan

She is Pecan
She is Pecan

Hi Shelly

Hi Shelly
Hi Shelly

Oh my Sherman

Oh my Sherman
Oh my Sherman


Since it's crunch time at work (it happens once every two months), Mummy's suffering from a mental block for things for me to blog about. She was scooping around the house looking for some inspiration when she came across her favorite lion mane wig
*Horrified look* Nooooo..... 

But since I've already posed with it, there's nothing novel about me wearing in.
Hee, so no surprises who had to take the fall to entertain Mummy...

introducing Pee-Kee the Lion!
Lucky for Mummy, Pee-Kee is one happy lion!
All smiles and pleased with her new hairdo.
Then of course, stupid Mummy just had to do a comparison shot.
My life sucks.
Sammo the grumpy lion.
To be honest, I think Sammo the grumpy lion is wayyy more convincing than Pee-kee. 
Check this out man!
I was quite surprised that I looked so...'lion' here.
Must be those slit eyes.
Anyway, Mummy convinced me that if I put on a smile I would get some treats. 
So I squeezed out one just for the treats her.
Hm, I still prefer my grumpy look.
Oh well.
Let's hope Mummy's next inspiration isn't so crappy. 


  1. That lion wig is very cute. I have a white one ! I will have to take some more pics of the doggies wearing it.

  2. omg pecan looks like an ahjumma (auntie) while sam looks like ahjushi (uncle)....and sam, dont worry, I gave your mum a crappy idea at Daiso today..hahahaha
