Sam I am

Sam I am
Sam I am

She is Pecan

She is Pecan
She is Pecan

Hi Shelly

Hi Shelly
Hi Shelly

Oh my Sherman

Oh my Sherman
Oh my Sherman

Our pick for Stalker Mummy - the Petzi

We already warned you that Mummy is on a shopping spree this month.
For Christmas she said. (Remember?)
So after pampering herself with the Torus bowl, she coerced Daddy into getting her a Petzi Treat Cam.
To check on us while she is at work she said.
#morelikesatisfyherstalkingtendencies #poordaddyburnanotherholeinhispocket

And without even waiting for Christmas, impatient Mummy got around to unwrapping her 'present'.
Tsk tsk tsk.
Besides the Petzi camera, an extra simple instruction sheet (a bit too simple to be honest) and two packets of Milk-Bone treats for starters are also included!
#sonicegiveustreats #welikeitalready
Pecan ah ma thinks that she's cuter than the Beagle.
The design of the Petzi is extremely simple and great for tech idiots like Mummy.
All you have to do is remove the cover and pour treats into the hole.
The plug is an US two-headed plug, so an adapter is required. 
Simply plug it in and follow the instructions for setup.
The process is supposedly pretty painless.
But for some weird reason, Mummy couldn't get the Petzi to show up on our WiFi system.
#shewaspullingherhairofflor #shereallyisatechidiot
After a good 30 minutes of rolling on the floor, screaming while googling for solutions and whatsapping Daddy cursing it, she found the reset button on the Petzi. 
And viola~ solved liao.
#facepalm #mummyisadramaqueen #okaywealsoexaggeratealittlela
"What is this weird thing on the wall?"
It can be mounted on the wall at a height, but since we are currently staying in a hotel (called Grandmummy's place), we have to make do with it on the ground.
With the Petzi, you will be able to see, speak and treat your dog away from home!
So cool isn't it?
The quality of the live streaming isn't exactly HD. 
But it is clear enough for Mummy to observe our expressions.
"OMG, what is that?"
Huge bonus: You can snap pictures!
#cancaptureunglamshots #likewhenyourdogseatingwiththeirmouthsbigbig
Pecan: "Is that edible?"
Sam: *munching away* "Nope."
#ofcourseshedidntbelieveme #noIdidn'tgetthatpiece
Pecan enjoying her buffet of treats.
(Mummy had to take me away, else Pecan will have no chance)
It actually works very well as a 'surveillance' camera.
Mummy actually spotted Pecan ah ma snoozing once when she fired the Petzi up.
It didn't end very well. 
Ah ma got the shock of her life when she heard the camera.
Once I got the hang of it, I pretty much parked myself right in front of it.
All for me, and none for ah ma.
#survivalofthefattest #samisgonnaneedadietprettysoon
While Mummy is really happy with how she can check on us when she's at work, there are a couple of things she isn't too excited about. 

1. You can't quite control the number of treats the Petzi dispenses.
The website states that 1-3 treats are ejected each time.
Not true hor.
In fact, as many as six treats shot out each time and of course, no prizes for guessing who got the bulk of it.
#yourstruly #wearenotcomplainingaboutthis #mummyis
On the first day, Mummy (who was super trigger happy) only managed to dispense just six rounds of treats before it ran out. 
(And she filled it to the brim before she left!)
2. Finding the right sized treats.
We didn't like the milkbones at all.
As none of the treats we have at home were a good fit, Mummy went shopping and found treats that are a rather good fit for the Petzi.
Here's what we recommend: 1. Sweet Potatoes Bolo Doggyman 2. Jerky Fish (Salmon cubes) 3. Absolute Holistic (Sushi)

3. Washing it
This, we have yet to figure out. 
And being the lazy person she is, Mummy really can't be bothered about it for now.

4. Barking dogs
Well, it's not everyday that we have a machine spitting treats out. 
To be honest, the sound it made scared the shit out of us and we kept barking at it.
Worst of all, treats were still dispensed despite the barking and that in our little brains means... barking = treats.
Trust us, it's even more terrible when Mummy tried to talk to us using the microphone option.
#sincewhenmummybecameabox #wewantourmummyback
Thankfully, it's nothing a clicker and some quick training can't solve.
Well, at least for me la. 
#inowwaitquietlyforthetreats #stupidpecanisstillbarking
Besides the sound, I was a bit apprehensive about it initially.
Even the greedy me took treats cautiously.
#myhindlegsarestucktothefloor #nowayI'mgoingcloser
Hence, it's definitely a good idea to spend a few minutes to get your dog used to it!
5. Last but not least...
#sheisn'tcomplainingaboutthis #shehadareallygoodlaughaboutthishor
Especially if you've a pooch as smart as I am. 
I've taken to camp right in front of the camera the moment I hear the startup jingle.
#Samthehappycamper #increasingwaistline #noneforahma
Daddy says that pretty soon I will be putting my mouth right at the opening and sitting there for the whole day.
And guess what, I think I'm getting there.

Mummy's note: Is it actually worth the money? Honestly, I don't know. As of now, I'm still pretty tickled by it and find myself laughing out loud (in public) seeing how stupid the two rascals are. It's nice to be able to see them in action while I'm away from them. Well, until the next visit to the vet when we do another weigh in for Sam I guess. (HE IS EATING WAY TOO MANY TREATS!) The lack of a two-way microphone doesn't bother me (like it did for some other people) as I highly doubt Sam or Pecan will call me "Mummy" or say "thank you" anyway. 
Would I buy it again? Without a doubt. I'm sure Mr Lim agrees, especially when he sees me giggling at the shenanigans of the dogs when I check in on Petzi.
Will I recommend it to people? Well, it really depends on what you want. If you're like me who just wanna disturb the dogs and check on them throughout the day, go for it. If not, maybe getting a baby camera or an actual CCTV would make more sense.

Buy it here!

1 comment

  1. I had a good laugh! and in one of the pictures, pecan looks like she has a pail on her head!
