As much as we would like to maintain that Pecan is forever young, we have to acknowledge that ah ma is indeed, ageing.
#dengdengdengdeng #yalafinallyadmitsheisOLD
Maybe not her craziness spirit, but her body.
We started noticing that Pecan was shaking and trembling randomly at times over the last couple of days and that got Mummy worried.
So off to the vet she went.
And we came back with a diagnosis that Pecan ah ma is...
#seelatoldyousheisoldliao #sosadhor #nowIamabitworried
While this (relatively) genki ah ma is probably not quite close to going six-feet-under (fingers crossed!), her body is struggling to keep up.
There isn't much we can do right now except to manage her condition.
On a good note, her pain episodes were not extremely frequent and her mobility isn't too affected as of now. Oh, oh and, she is a walking weather forecast!
#shewillshakebeforeitrains #butnotveryaccuratela #todaynevershakelor #thinkonthebrightsidema
Besides pumping up her glucosamine intake and scheduling regular swims (which we're already doing so), Mummy decided to opt for another alternative management treatment - Acupuncture.
#yamanthereisacupuncturefordogslor #soatasright
To be honest, Mummy kinda saw this coming in the pipeline since Pecan became part of our family. Thus, she selected Dr Liang from West Coast Vetcare as Pecan's primary vet and has been going to her for the past six months.
Pecan ah ma's first acupuncture session was an eye-opener for Mummy.
Pecan ah ma during her acupuncture session.
Apparently, it's the same needles used on humans too.
Look at the number of needles Pecan had on her!
Mummy knew about the acupuncture option for dogs for a while. But in her tiny mind, she pictured it to be a very relaxing session where the dog will just lay down and enjoy being poked. And the owner? Stay beside the calm, relaxing dog.
#likehowstupidcanmummybe #wheregotdogswillenjoybeingprickedone
But in reality, not only does Pecan ah ma not get to lay down and 'chillax', Mummy had to hold her in position for a good 20 minutes.
Mummy was like "I think I need acupuncture after this cos my arms are sore."
No Mummy, you don't need acupuncture. You just need to get Daddy to come along next time.
Well, as scary as it looks, Pecan ah ma wasn't very bothered by the needles.
In fact, each time one was inserted, she barely flinched.
She had to be held in place as we didn't want her to shake the needles off.
After the session, Pecan went home with a bottle of Chinese meds.
But she is smarter than we thought and wanted nothing to do with the ugly black pills.
Oh well, there is NOTHING peanut butter cannot do.
By next morning, Pecan is pretty much back to her bouncy self and there hasn't been any trembling episodes since.
She has another session of acupuncture scheduled in a weeks' time (This time Daddy will be dragged along!) and we will see from there if we need more maintenance sessions.
In the meanwhile, let me lay on her as my pillow, I mean, take care of you.
Get well soon ah ma, so that we can head out for more awesome hikes with grumpy Daddy soon!
We're all rooting for you!!!!
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