Sam I am

Sam I am
Sam I am

She is Pecan

She is Pecan
She is Pecan

Hi Shelly

Hi Shelly
Hi Shelly

Oh my Sherman

Oh my Sherman
Oh my Sherman

Shopping for Sammy!!

A parcel from Petswag came for Mummy today. I was jumping in joy as I knew that the contents were for me! However, my stupid parents decided to take their own sweet time in unveiling the package. They had dinner, took me for a walk, had their showers, did the laundry BEFORE it was finally time for the opening ceremony. 
Needless to say, I was so impatient by then and had my ultimate begging face on.
PLEASE OPEN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
There were two items in the box. 

Item number 1 was....
Chilewich Dog Mat in Sammy's favourite colour - ORANGE!
It is made from basketweave woven flooring and has an anti-slip base. 
Sure does make my boring meals a lot of interesting! I cannot wait to start eating away on it.
I thought I should just start eating my supper on it. However, mummy started screaming at me when I brought my catch over and attempted to 'eat' it.
Grown-ups are confusing. 

Item number 2 was...
Wondering what's so special about this?

This is how it looks half-opened. 
I could barely wait and decided to lay on it already.
This is how it looks fully opened - spacious and comfortable for the fat well-fed little Sammy Loo.

In a nutshell, this amazing design is actually a foldable little travel bed that looks like a typical laptop bag. The exterior is made of cotton while the laying surface is 100% sheep wool. (No worries, I usually sleep in an Air-conditioned room, so I'm not going to overheat, if you are wondering.)
Isn't it just so chic and fashionable?
Most importantly, it sure is comfortable!
Plus, the travel bag is really suitable for sleepovers at my grandparents' places on both sides of the family!
Hence, the moment mummy laid eyes on it, she knew she just has to buy it... for me of course.

Within seconds, I had totally owned it, made myself comfortable and Zzzzzz...

Note from Mummy: Unfortunately, these items aren't available in Singapore and I had get them online. (much to the dismay of the Mister, but again, no one really cares about what he thinks. =P) As the website didn't mention much on international shipping, I dropped them an email to enquire about shipping to Singapore. Doug from Petswag was really awesome and actually went the distance to give me a quote and liase with me directly to get the transaction settled in less than half an hour (from the first reply)! Kudos for the high efficiency!! And within a week, the items are in (and there's a fat lazy crazy dog lying on on the bed and a dead looking mouse on the mat *shrugs*). 
All in all, I'm loving this purchase!! 

1 comment

  1. Looks like a great piece of equipment and Sam looks so cute on it too!
