Sam I am

Sam I am
Sam I am

She is Pecan

She is Pecan
She is Pecan

Hi Shelly

Hi Shelly
Hi Shelly

Oh my Sherman

Oh my Sherman
Oh my Sherman


Just got wind that Auntie R, Grandma's domestic helper who absolutely dotes on me, left for a home visit and never came back despite renewing her contract.
Now, Grandma is fuming mad and equally frustrated over getting a new helper, while Mummy is worried buckets about whether I'll be in good hands when the new helper arrives.
All I'm thinking about.. is my lack of treats... 

Oh well, maybe I can convinced the replacement auntie to give me treats with my puppy eyes. 
Time to start training. 

On a good note, it also means that I get to enjoy yet another week of awesome daycare!

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