Sam I am

Sam I am
Sam I am

She is Pecan

She is Pecan
She is Pecan

Hi Shelly

Hi Shelly
Hi Shelly

Oh my Sherman

Oh my Sherman
Oh my Sherman

Pets Picnic Party

It was the pets picnic party yesterday and of course I had to tag along!
While the picnic started only at 4pm, I was there since noon to lend a paw for the setup. 
Making ourselves useful by lazing on the stage.
As Mummy was busy running around and helping out for the event, I was pretty much left to entertain myself.
Thankfully there were many nice korkors and jiejies to keep me company.
Besides, when it got super boring, I had brownie, my poopbag holder to play with me.
It was a pity that Mummy is part of the organizing team. Because of that, I didn't have a picnic mat to chill on, yummy food to beg for or decent photos to post. -_-
Well, at least I got a nice grass patch to laze on and some dogs to check out.
Plus, the lovely people of Superdog Kitchen gave us a bowl of yummy coconut water with some watermelon.
Refreshing for a warm picnic!
In addition, I did have Jager and Snowy (tied to a pole) with me!
Despite that, we were happy campers!
Even though it did rain (before the event), the weather was lovely when the picnic started and there were many friendly dogs for us to greet and play with. Hehe, time to convince Mummy to bring me and Pecan out for a picnic soon!


  1. Sounds like you had a lovely day out Sam! I bet that water tasted nice?

    Jager is a beautiful dog! As are you and of course Snowy!

    Well, looking forward to the next post!

    Best wishes,
    Jessica, Charlie Boy, Roman and Brooke xxxx

  2. i love the last picture! so gorgeous. and snowy is sealing again!
