Sam I am

Sam I am
Sam I am

She is Pecan

She is Pecan
She is Pecan

Hi Shelly

Hi Shelly
Hi Shelly

Oh my Sherman

Oh my Sherman
Oh my Sherman

Our very own event - A White Christmas Party

Our very own 'A White Christmas' party was a wrap! 
#itwrappedupdamnlongagolor #justthatourmummyistoolazytoposttillnow #tsktsktsk
Not only did we have tons of fun organising this event with @vanillapup, @somewhitecookie and @iscreambailey, we were extremely pleased with how it turned out!
#welldonedogslaves #thedogsjustlookcuteandeatonly #ofcoursethehumansdidallthework

Mummy was too busy running around that she didn't get a chance to take any decent photos.
Hence, there isn't a single pic of me at the party.
#howcanlikethat #iamthehostandthereisnophotoofme
(Also cos I was busy begging for food la)
#tablehopping #Iisabusydoghor
Thanks to @mangothesheltie, Cookie's mummy and Latte's mummy for letting us use their photos for this post!
(Photo credit: @thevanillapup)

Our eyes popped out when we saw the buffet spread.
Thank you Ah B Cafe for whipping up such an amazing spread.
(Photo credit: @mangothesheltie)

If you think that the human's food selection was good, that's because you have not seen the furkid's spread.
#wehaveturkeyleh #humansnohave
Needless to say, the food was wiped out in seconds.
(Photo credit: @mangothesheltie)

Even the doggy log cake looked so delicious.
(Photo credit: @mangothesheltie)

While I was on my stealthy mode (begging for food), Pecan ah ma decided to post for a shot.
(Photo credit: @mangothesheltie)

We really enjoyed seeing parents and furkids mingling together, making friends and just soaking in the festivity.
And some pooches even stretched their legs hopping through some agility obstacles!
Thanks Wee Boon from The Positive Academy for the small agility course!

But let's be honest, the highlight of the event, had to be THIS!
(Photo credit: @mangothesheltie)

We actually gave away over 30 prizes that were worth more than $2000 in total!
Everyone was eyeing the grand prize of a staycation, but of course, it wasn't us!
We won a consolation prize of a bandana with the ticket that Daddy bought.
Best part of it, our dearest papa left the voucher in his jeans pocket and sent it for a wash.
#canbemorefailanot #theregoesouronlyprize
Oh well, better luck next time!
#weweresohappyposingwiththeprizeslor #thoughtwillbeours #wishfulthinkingonly
Of course, none of these would have been possible if not for our oh-so generous sponsors!

Oh well, at least no one went home empty handed!
(Photo credit: @mangothesheltie)

Presenting the loot everyone went home with!
(Photo credit: @somewhitecookie)

Once again, we would like to say thanks to all that have supported us for our virgin event - Be it as a guest or as a sponsor!
Thank you for making our Christmas this year such a special one!
Till next time!

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